Lilly 2008 and Cria

Lilly was born 2008 is being sold her with her male cria born Feb 2018.  They are both lovely natured and easy to handle. Lilly will follow you for food and is easy to handle at nail trimming, vaccinations, worming, drenching and shearing. 

She has a couple of years more of breeding and has given us other cria's over the years. She is not registered. Lilly will be sold with her cria and can also be sold mated again. 

She loves to eat and eat, and on a hot summer days she is the first one under the sprinkler. Her young cria is still feeding with her and we usually don't wean until 6-7 months depending on seasonal conditions. 

Little Valley Farm is a member of the Australian Alpaca Association and has registered and unregistered alpacas.  Our alpacas make wonderful pets.  If you are new to the world of alpacas, we occasional run training workshop on how to manage the herd as well as grooming days and also looking at the best fencing, holding pens for alpacas.  
