Coming up for sale
Dam Suri white with a female white cria at foot and re-mate to our coloured Stud. $2900. Dam DOB 2014 and cria January 2023. Refer to photo # 1 and # 2
If you are a LVF VIP member we can offer payment plans for your alpacas. VIP members are people who have already attended our alpaca workshop.
If you are new to alpacas, we recommend you attend our Introduction to Alpacas workshop that we run on a monthly basis. See workshop info here.
Photo # 1 - Dam and cria photo taken early morning June2023.
Photo # 2 - Cria relaxing and enjoying the Winter time sunshine
Why are there so many different names for alpacas?
The classification and terminology for an alpaca's life stages in Australia have been modified to incorporate both South American and Australian phrasings.
Newborn to 6 months of age: Cria (pronounced cree-ah)
6 months to 12 months: Weaner / Weanling
12 months to sexual maturity: Tui (pronounced too-ee)
Breeding female: Hembra / Dam
Breeding male: Machos / Entire / Sire
Castrated male: Wether
Before purchasing alpacas, please ensure you have your PIC number ready. What is a PIC # click here to read more.
Our Little Valley Farm Alpacas
Our alpacas are all up to date on vaccination, drenching and annual Spring shearing. FECs are done regularly, and notes are all recorded. Our alpacas are handled regularly and are all friendly. We run a monthly body score check as well as vitamins and supplementary feeding, and trim their toe nails regularly. If you are new to the world of alpacas, we recommend you attend a workshop to ensure you have the correct paddock, shed, shelter and nutritional and welfare information at hand. We will also provide you with an alpaca manual to take home and after care support. Send Daniela an email for more info. See our alpaca workshop info here.
We have had a number of white studs over the years, so now meet our newest member to Little Valley Farm. Sire Lieutenant as he enjoys some Lucern hay!