Every Bit Counts Local Land Service featuring Little Valley Farm

Proud to be part of the Hunter Local Land Services - Every Bit Counts programme. A bit of a passion project for me,...

Posted by Little Valley Farm - Alpaca Farm on Sunday, February 14, 2021

Owning a few Alpacas and enjoying the serenity of your lush green pasture is the dream for some landholders.

Daniela Riccio and Euan Wilcox from Little Valley Farm in the Hunter Valley are living that dream.

It's been a big lifestyle change adjusting to life on the land, and Daniela understands the importance of reaching out for help.

Every Bit Counts is a program for small landholders looking to connect to hundreds of like-minded people trying to improve their land, production capacity and environment.

Visit our brand new Every Bit Counts website, to find resources designed especially for you: www.lls.nsw.gov.au/ebc

Sign up to our Small Landholder Network, and keep up to date with upcoming events and issues: https://hunterlls.wufoo.com/.../every-bit-counts-small...

Register for our Blockies’ Bootcamp, kickstart your land management know how: https://www.lls.nsw.gov.au/.../every.../blockies-bootcamp

And enjoy these beautiful animals!!