Little Valley Farm June updates

Hello everyone, welcome to June! Can you believe how fast the year is flying by?

Here's what's happening in June:

Alpaca Workshop

Join us for our Introduction to Alpaca Workshop on Sunday, June 16th, 2024, at 10:30 am in Laguna. Limited spots are available, so book online to secure your spot!

Alpacas as Pets

If you already have alpacas, remember to keep their vitamins up due to the fluctuating weather. Run your FECS before drenching and make sure you know which worms you are drenching for to avoid creating worm-drench resistance, using unnecessary chemicals and spending money needlessly. With the recent rain, persistent and heavy rains can leach nutrients from the soil, leading to nutrient-deficient plants. Make sure you have enough hay stocks and provide supplementary feed to the alpacas.

Want to Buy Alpacas for Your Hobby Farm?

In July, we have some delightful and laid-back alpacas that would be perfect additions to your hobby farm. Super chilled females to join your farm family.


With the cool weather finally here, it's time to start knitting with our 100% handspun alpaca yarn. Check out our website to see what we have, and we'll be adding more to the shop cart shortly.

Handspun in the Hunter

Wear alpaca close to your heart.

Okay, I'm heading outside to feed the alpacas, donkeys, and chickens - including Whitey the silkie hen and her 9 chicks. It's a lot of fun watching these little things scurry about my feet. Adorable!

Talk soon, Daniela

Never to old for an alpaca cuddle wtih Taratini.