Alpacas for Sale - Australian Alpacas in the Hunter Valley

As we eagerly anticipate the arrival of spring, we look forward to the time when the ground warms up, the grass starts growing, and our alpacas are ready to be relocated to their new forever homes.

Beginning in Spring 2024, we will have a selection of wonderful and sociable alpacas available for sale. Some of these alpacas are females accompanied by cria, while others are pregnant. We offer them for sale in pairs or as the perfect starter herd for your small farm.

We are proud members of the Australian Alpacas Association, and most of our livestock are registered. It's important to note that alpacas are herd animals and need to be paired with at least one companion. For individuals looking for alpacas as pets, it's essential to begin with a pair. Additionally, crias should stay with their mother until they are around six months old. For males, castration should be performed at the appropriate age unless you are interested in purchasing wethers. We will have some wethers available in mid-spring.

You can view what we currently have available for sale and drop me a note on what you are looking for. Our next alpacas workshop for new owners will be mid August 2024 and you can view the dates here.