Alpaca Terminology

Every industry has a unique language that brings people together. The alpaca industry is no different, and here are some terms used within it.

Cria - newborn alpaca to six months of age. Pronounced kree-ah.

Weaners - a weaned alpaca less than one year old.  Most alpacas are weaned at 4 to 6 months of age.

Tui - 12 month to sexual maturity. Prounced too-ee.

Dam or Hembra - breeding female, alpacas mother.

Entire Maile - or machos are sire - breeding male.

Wether - castrated male alpaca.

Birth weight - average birth weight of alpacas is six to 9 kg. (depends on seasons and paddock feed and quality available.

Female fertility - average female fertility of alpaca is 12+ to 18 years.

Gestation period - average gestation period of alpacas is 335 to 342 days. 11.5 to 12 months.

Huacaya - The most common alpaca type in Australia. The dense fibre grows straight out from the body, similar to merino. Pronounced wua-ky-ya.

Suri - Only a small number of the national Australian herd are Suri. The suri is covered in long pencil fine locks, that hang straight down from the body. Prounounced soo-ree.

Lifespan - average 15 to 20 years.

Shearing - the annual harvesting of alpaca fibers occurs in mid-spring to keep the alpacas cool through the summer and allow their coats to regrow before winter.

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